GoFlight Interface Tool

GoFlight Interface Tool

SKU: GoFlight_Interface_Tool_1


This version of the product is NOT COMPATIBLE with X-Plane!

This digital download product allows you to interface the following GoFlight hardware to FSX, FSX-SE, Prepar3D v1.4+, 2.5+, 3.4+, 4.3+, 4.4+, 4.5+, 5.0+, 6.0+, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (FS2020):

  • MCP
  • EFIS
  • P8
  • T8
  • RP48
  • LGT
  • LGT II
  • GF45
  • GF46
  • GF166
  • WP6
  • MESM
  • SECM
  • DIO

Support for the following hardware is also available:

  • Leo Bodnar Button Box
  • Joysticks

How does it work?

GoFlight Inc's drivers work great (excluding MSFS2020) with aircraft that are Simconnect compliant such as default aircraft, however complex aircraft tend to use a mixture of Simconnect and their own non standard approach which means for example that your MCP PRO will not work with the PMDG NGX.

The GoFlight Interface Tool in an interfacing tool to complex or non Simconnect standard aircraft that greatly increases the chances of getting your GoFlight hardware to work with these aircraft.

It allows you to connect your Goflight hardware to FSX, FSX SE, Prepar3D and FS2020 allowing full access to all Simconnect events and variables. However, you can also create custom events to interface to more advanced aircraft that do not comply with Simconnect standards and that use their own custom code. It also provides access to hidden variables called Lvars as well as implementing various aircraft SDK's.

The Detective function in the product, allows you to monitor in real-time what Variables and Events are changing allowing you to know what to change/monitor for interfacing to your GoFlight hardware. It also allows you to create custom events (e.g. your own Flight Simulator Events) consisting of Variables changes, Events, key presses or calling other custom events.

A full on-line user guide is available here. It is strongly recommended you read the article titled Beginners Guide.

Key Features

  • Full integration with the PMDG 737 NGX, 737 NGXu, 737 NGXu BBJ, 777 and 747 QOS II SDK's.
  • Full integration with the iFly 747 and 737 SDK's.
  • Full integration of the Majestic Dash Q400 External XML Interface.
  • PMDG 737/6/8/NGX/NGXu and 777 are automatically configured with the MCP PRO, MCP, EFIS, LGT/II, GF45, GF46 and MESM which means all you need to do is enable the devices and they work straight away - no need to understand anything else about the GoFlight Interface Tool - its that easy! The SECM, TQ6 and GF166 can be auto configured via a simple button push.
  • PMDG 747 Queen Of The Skies II is now fully supported with the MCP PRO, MCP, EFIS, GF45, GF46 and the LGT/II automatically configured so the devices work straight away once they are enabled. The SECM, TQ6 and GF166 can be auto configured via a simple button push.
  • iFly 737 and iFly 747 are automatically configured with the MCP PRO, MCP, EFIS, LGT/II, GF45, GF46 and MESM (737 Only) which means all you need to do is enable the devices and they work straight away - no need to understand anything else about the GoFlight Interface Tool - its that easy! The SECM, TQ6 and GF166 can be auto configured via a simple button push.
  • Pre built configurations made by existing customers are available for other aircraft in the downloads area.
  • Configure all Simconnect events and variables (data) to all supported GoFlight hardware
  • All buttons, switches, selectors, rotaries, lights, displays and DIO attachments are supported
  • Identify normally hidden variables (called local variables or lvars) using the Detective tool
  • Track all events and lvar changes in real time using the Detective tool
  • Create Bespoke Events using simple point and click commands that can alter lvars and then assign these in the same way as Simconnect events
  • Local variables (lvars) can be assigned just like Simconnect variables
  • Create your own bespoke variables
  • Send key presses
  • Configure joystick axes and buttons
  • Set and read Simconnect variables
  • Now with integrated Lua support. Build and assign Lua scripts to GoFlight hardware to manipulate aircraft functions. Works with all aircraft including the PMDG NGX/NGXu/777/747/737/736/738 and iFly 737/747
  • Interface to FSUIPC4 to read and write memory refs (registered copy of FSUIPC required for these functions). No support in MS FS2020 but coming soon.
  • GF46 alerting service allows you to configure up-to 20 alerts that pop up on the device
  • Monitor an aircraft power variable to have all your GoFlight equipment power up or down. Also monitor a separate variable to control devices that only power up when Avionics power is available
  • Support for push and hold on suitable rotaries
  • No need to own FSUIPC as the software uses its own backend dll unless you wish to use the FSUIPC features that are interfaced.
  • One off payment. No yearly subscription for updates and support. These are given freely.

System Requirements

1) One of the following:

a. FSX SP2

b. FSX Acceleration

c. FSX Gold

d. Prepar3D 1.4+, 2.5+, 3.4+, 4.3+, 4.4+, 4.5+, 5.0+

e. FSX Steam Edition

f. FS2020

2) .NET Framework version 3.5 and 4.7.1+ with all updates applied (via Windows Update)

3) GoFlight Software Drivers (GF Config Setup version 2.26.5 or above)

4) If using the PMDG NGX/NGXu/BBJ/77X/74X/737/736/738 you need the very latest versions. Older versions will not work

5) Windows 7/8/10/11 (32/64 bit) with all Windows Updates applied

6) Visual Studio C++ 2013/15/17 runtimes (provided with the software)


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